Smart Buy construction | Porsche Finance Group Hungary


With our Smart Buy service, we offer a new product for private individuals that operates with an attractive monthly fee.



Low monthly fee

Flexible financing tailored to your needs

Fixed interest rate

Multiple options at the end of the term

Predictable purchase price

Convenient sales process


Flexible Financing

Smart Buy offers flexible financing options with discounts and residual value options to keep your monthly installments low. You can choose a financing term that suits your financial situation.

  • 20-50% down payment
  • 24-60 months duration
  • 10,000 - 70,000 km/year mileage
  • Minimum financed amount of 1,000,000 HUF

Predictable purchase price at the end of the term

Through the Smart Buy product, Porsche Lízing can guarantee the future value of the car at the end of the financing period, provided it meets the contractual conditions.

Safe and Hassle-Free Sale

If you do not want to deal with the inconveniences and risks associated with the car selling process, then choose our Smart Buy service. At the time of signing the contract, you will already have a potential buyer at the end of the term, Porsche Lízing.

Freedom of choice

Unlike traditional financing, Smart Buy lets you decide what to do with your car at the end of the term. You can choose to keep it or trade it in for a new car.

Flexible residual value repayments

If you decide to keep your car, you have the flexibility to choose how you repay the residual value, either in one lump sum or by extending the term and spreading it over a number of monthly instalments, while reducing the residual value.

Smart Buy Volkswagen Ajánlatok


Bruttó vételár*: 6 990 000 Ft

Bruttó első lízingdíj (regisztrációs adóval): 3 145 501 Ft

Finanszírozott összeg: 3 027 165 Ft + ÁFA

Előre tervezhető megvásárlási ár**: 3 055 800 Ft

Bruttó maradványérték: 3 055 800 Ft

Ügyleti kamatláb: 4,99%

Kamatozás típusa: fix

Futamidő: 60 hónap

Futásteljesítmény: 20 000 km/év

THM: 4,0%

Referencia THM***: 4,1%

Havi bruttó lízingdíj: 24 188 Ft

Szerződéskötési díj (HBNY díj): 7 000 Ft

Fogyasztó által fizetendő teljes összeg****: 4 533 796 Ft

Üzemanyaga: Benzin

Hivatalos üzemanyag-fogyasztása:1 5,2 - 6,6 l/100km

Hivatalos fajlagos CO2-kibocsátása:2 119 - 133 g/km

Részletes fogyasztási és széndioxid-kibocsátási értékek WLTP és NEDC szabvány szerint


Smart Buy Škoda Ajánlatok

SKODA Scala Joy 1.0 TSI

Bruttó vételár*: 7 999 000 Ft
Bruttó első lízingdíj (regisztrációs adóval): 3 999 501 Ft

Finanszírozott összeg: 3 149 212 Ft + ÁFA

Előre tervezhető megvásárlási ár**: 3 738 380 Ft

Bruttó maradványérték: 3 738 380 Ft

Ügyleti kamatláb: 0,01%
Kamatozás típusa: fix

Futamidő: 36 hónap
Futásteljesítmény: 20 000 km/év

Havi bruttó lízingdíj: 7 279 Ft
Szerződéskötési díj (HBNY díj): 7 000 Ft

Fogyasztó által fizetendő teljes összeg***: 4 007 426 Ft


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One smart tip: Can be combined with the Porsche Casco Bonus promotion, allowing for an additional discount of 100,000 HUF on the purchase price!

Open-ended, HUF-based financial leasing options available for consumers until June 30, 2024, or while stocks last. This offer is applicable to all new Volkswagen and Skoda passenger vehicles. We reserve the right to extend the campaign. Porsche Hungaria Kft. acts as an intermediary for financing and insurance on behalf of Porsche Finance Zrt. and the Hungarian Branch of Porsche Versicherungs AG.

The data provided in the above financing offer are for informational purposes only and are subject to change, which may also alter the total amount payable by the consumer. Porsche Finance Zrt., depending on the result of the transaction and client evaluation performed according to its internal regulations, undertakes vehicle financing and determines the final terms of risk acceptance, under which the financing conditions may change, or additional collateral may be required.

Valid CASCO insurance is mandatory during the contract term, and its cost is to be paid by the lessee. The insurance cost is not known at the time of the offer issuance and was not considered in any APR calculations included in the offer.

*The above calculation is based on data valid as of April 25, 2024; the vehicle purchase price is for informational purposes only.

** Predicted purchase price as per Porsche Lízing’s declaration of intent.

*** The reference APR was determined considering the applicable laws. The representative example forming the basis of the reference APR calculation: open-ended financial leasing with fixed interest, calculated with a 10% residual value, where the financed amount is 3,000,000 HUF + VAT, the duration is 60 months, the transactional interest rate is 4.99%, the first leasing payment is 11,065,640 HUF, the monthly leasing fee is 46,746 HUF, and the total amount repayable by the customer is 4,349,926 HUF.

**** According to point 4 of Section 3 of the 2009 CLXII Act on Consumer Credit: "Total amount payable by the consumer: the total amount of the credit and the total cost of the credit."

*****The above calculation is based on data valid as of April 30, 2024; the vehicle purchase price is for informational purposes only.

****** The reference APR was determined considering the applicable laws. The representative example forming the basis of the reference APR calculation: open-ended financial leasing with fixed interest, calculated with a 10% residual value, where the financed amount is 3,000,000 HUF + VAT, the duration is 60 months, the interest rate is 4.99%, the first leasing payment is 4,784,970 HUF, the monthly leasing fee is 55,938 HUF, and the total amount repayable by the customer is 4,292,106 HUF.

Please consult dealerships acting as intermediaries for Porsche Finance Zrt. for precise details and conditions of financing. Note that this information is not exhaustive; additional details are contained in the General Business Rules, Financial Leasing Business Rules, and Notices of Porsche Finance Zrt., which are available for download from, at our Customer Service or at the intermediary. We advise visiting the website of the MNB Financial Consumer Protection Center ( for an assessment of this financing opportunity, as the product descriptions and comparison tools there provide assistance for making informed decisions.

1,2 Information on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions: the provided values were measured according to the measurement method prescribed by the 715/2007/EC regulation of the European Parliament and Council (as amended). As of September 1, 2017, certain new vehicle type approvals are based on the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP), a new, more realistic testing method for measuring fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. For new passenger vehicles as of September 1, 2018, and for commercial vehicles as of September 1, 2019, the NEDC will be completely replaced by a new testing method, the WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure). Due to the more realistic testing conditions, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions measured under the WLTP framework are often higher than those measured under the NEDC. The values are not specific to individual vehicles and are not part of the offer but are for comparing different vehicle types. A vehicle’s fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are influenced by driving habits and other non-technical factors (e.g., environmental conditions). In particular, optional equipment and accessories (e.g., wider tires, air conditioning, roof racks) alter relevant vehicle characteristics, such as mass, rolling resistance, and aerodynamics, thereby resulting in deviations in the configured model data. The data on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are valid alongside the data range for the selected tire format and optimal extra equipment. Specific fuel consumption and CO2 emission data for new passenger cars can be found in the fuel economy guide, which is freely accessible at all sales locations and the consumer protection authority.